This page contains flashing, strobing, and/or blinking visuals.

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As you can see, this place is currently under construction. Might take a while (this is my first time making a website) but I'm slowly getting the hang of it!

Thanks for checking this place out! Now less barren than before!


How about I just...add some WIP stuff in here anyway. Just for the sake of having it here. Have some framework to work off of.

Yeah, something kinda like that!


I know it's been a LONG time since I've updated this site, but honestly, I've kinda lost some of the motivation to do so as of now ;w;
Most of my motivation I've been putting towards writing a book! Once I'm done with it, I hope to return to Neocities and update this site once again. I hope to get that book done sometime next year (hopefully), so, stay tuned! Maybe!
Also! I've been very slowly working on an RPG Maker game! It's in a REALLY early stage right now, so it's going to take quite a while before it's done, but once it is I will absolutely put a link here to it! Still debating on whether or not I want it to be free or like, $0.99, but either way I will try to work on it as well once the above alluded to book is done.
Thank you to everyone who's visited my site, and I hope y'all have a happy holiday! I'm writing this on december 12th, so, this message will probably stay up until I come back to edit it inevitably lol. No idea how long that'll take, so, associate it with whatever the next holiday will be!

Also, I've started a Fiverr! I'm taking 3 ambiant music commisions at a time, so, if you like my stuff and want a piece for a project or something, feel free to check it out!