
Hello, my name is Nordica, but some people call me "Nori," and even fewer "Death."
I live in the USA, more specifically the Midwest. Cornfields and suburban hellscapes as far as the eye can see.
I like making art, playing video games, gardening (indoors and outdoors), sewing, baking, and collecting various things.
Some of my collections include glass bottles, gemstones/crystals, anime figures, glass statues, and magic 8-balls.
Some of my favorite plants to grow/keep are sunflowers, morning glories, wildflowers, cacti, and orchids.
I like to do both traditional art as well as digital. I also wire wrap and make experimental ambient music in Audacity.
Many of the assets I use on this site are of my own creation.
Maybe someday I'll make a tutorial for creating textures.

This website of mine will mostly be used as a personal art project.
I also plan on making pages for other random things that I want to ramble about.
(Such as collections of mine and some of my favorite things.)
My main inspiration for making a website is Terminal 00, as well as cool sites here on Neocites.
I don't really have a main goal of what I want this site to specifically be, if anything. Maybe that's a goal in and of itself.

I apologize for the slow speed at which this site and its many (future) pages will update.
This is my very first time working on a website.
Though I have tampered with HTML and CSS when editing themes for Tumblr and SpaceHey blogs.
That, however, was as far as my experience had gone up until now.


Mood:The current mood of supersmilyface1 at www.imood.com

Visit my Zinnia in Flowergame! Visit my Kenilworth Ivy in Flowergame! Visit my Dandelion in Flowergame! Visit my Phlox in Flowergame! Visit my Pumpkin in Flowergame! Visit my Common snapdragon in Flowergame! Visit my Geranium in Flowergame! Visit my Siberian Squill in Flowergame!

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