2/1/2025 |
In my dream last night, I was "watching" someone play a sequel to FNaF SB:Ruin. The perspective was 1st-person for most of it.
They player was in the daycare, where they found Eclipse (who was around the average height of a human in this dream). Eclipse proceeded to lead the player around the place in silence, mostly just showing them things. At first the player character just followed, but after a bit they held Eclipse's hand while doing so (and would hug them from time-to-time). While I was "watching" the video, I had remembered one I watched before this where that was supposed to be the end section of the game without anything else to be done. But that was proven wrong when the player was lead to the main doors of the daycare. Eclipse said something to the player. I rewound the video a few times (the dream now in 3rd-person) trying to make out what they said, but all I could make out was something along the lines of, "It will be hard to do." After that, the doors opens and two large hands made of needles (like the Other Mother's from Coraline) appeared, gripping the doorframe. Eclipse hides behind the player character and asks, "What are those?" They player character then gets snatched by the hands and dragged away. Eclipse follows soon after. The needle hands had now become bugs made of needles and knife blades (like a cross between a praying mantis and a spider), which I thought was really cool in the dream. The player character (who was now Steven from Steven Universe Future, specifically) was laying on the ground, one of the metal bugs clamped around his hand. Eclipse kneels down and carefully tries to get the bug off. Suddenly I was entering a classroom. The desks had been rearranged, the teacher telling use that she arranged them by what our interests were (or at least what she thought they were). I didn't know where mine had gone, so I stood in the middle of the room, looking around, confused. Then I woke up. |
2/2/2025 |
In one of my dreams last night I was riding in a car with my dad. I saw one of my friends standing outside in the rain, waiting for a school bus to arrive. I rolled down the window and told them that the bus wasn't going to come because it wasn't a school day. Their expression became desolate as they turned and began to walk home.
In my other dream I had, me and my parents were watching a Ghibli film. This one was loosely tied into "Howl's Moving Castle" (Howl was mentioned a few times throughout it.)
2/3/2025 |
In one of my dreams last night, I remember being in a small room where an anthropomorphic wolf-man was being held captive. I forget exactly what I was doing, but a voice came from no where and explained that what I was seeing wasn't actually what was there. The scene changed and the wolf's head was now hung from the ceiling, the rest of his body nowhere to be found. It wasn't bloody, however, just kind of morbid.
In a different dream I was at school. For some reason I was going to watch a girl vs. boy sports game (not sure what sport exactly). I was apparently skipping class to do this. I decided that I'd rather go back to class, so I hopped off the folded-up bleachers and began to leave. When I was leaving I got into a bit of a verbal confrontation with this big guy who was on the boy's team. I ended up telling him that if he wanted to punch me, to go for it. But he didn't.
In the last dream I remember (which may have connected to the previous one) I had some kind of magic, but I didn't use it. I was in some darkly colored room looking at some little trinkets on a ledge. One of them represented me, which was this little figure wearing a black cloak with glowing purple Enderman eyes. I forget if I took it, or if the other person in the room who was telling me about some of the items did.
Weird dreams tonight. |
2/4/2025 |
In one of my dreams last night, Phi (character owned by Phisnom on YouTube) was at my house, in the kitchen, at night. She ended up putting some black olives on the countertop in front of the microwave, which I needed to get to so I could heat up some instand noodles. I tried to open the microwabe door without knocking any of the olives off, but a few did end up falling. I then grabbed a bowl and a fork and tried to put the others in the bowl without touching them with my hands. A few more fell, so I ended up grabbing a spoon as well.
In a different dream I had last night, I was home at night with my dad and my brother. I was doing something on my laptop (I think I was looking at videos, art, or both) when I hear a loud BEEP kind of like a smoke alarm. I shrugged it off at first, but it happened again later. I went to my dad to ask him about it and he said there was a gas leak in the house. I took my laptop and was going to head outside with him and my brother, but the dream faded away. |
2/5/2025 |
In one of my dreams last night I had gotten two different colonies of isopods. They looked pretty standard, nothing too fancy.
Oddly, though, I was given objectives like I was playing a video game. Also my isopods apparently formed different economic structures??? One group was labeled under "capitalism" and the other "communism" but they both acted exactly the same. I was then supposed to introduce the two colonies into one single tank, which I did. They didn't really interact. They were just chowing down on some vegetables or something while staying on their own sides of the tank. Weird stuff, man. |
2/6/2025 |
In one of my dreams last night I was watching someone play a survival horror like game. At one point they crouch and enter this really small tunnel that lead into a little room full of cardboard boxes and empty metal shelves. On the other side of the tunnel was this white creature with a circular head, wide open eyes, and a mouth full of sharp teeth. It managed to push its head into the tunnel and used its tongue to try and catch the player character, who did end up dying to it. The person playing was freaking out.
In another dream I had, me and my brother had made a game about collecting seeds scattered throughout some place. I don't remember much about this part, but after it happened we ended up getting into the car with our dad. As we drove, my brother asked my dad if he was going to let this one guy have one of his trees cut down forever. My dad got out of the car, went into this one guy's yard, and uprooted this little tree that had yellow flower buds all over the top (no leaves). The guy who owned the property started yelling at and chasing after my dad. I believe this man was supposed to be French.
I had SEVERAL more dreams before these two, but sadly I don't remember what they were about. I even thought to myself after waking up from one of the earlier ones that I'd remember it. Didn't :( |
2/7/2025 |
In one of my dreams I was in school again. I was hanging out with one of my friends while they used the computer to watch a video. The video was supposed to be some kids' show, but the uploader had snuck in a segment in the middle that was kinda scary. This ended up causing my friend to dissociate for some reason. I ended up truning off the video and talked to them after a few minutes. I think shorty after that class was dismissed for lunch.
One segment of another dream I barely remember was me spitting out what appeared to be a malformed tooth. It looked like a small molar that didn't have any roots or anything, kind of like a baby tooth, but more solid. Once again, another night that I didn't remember most of my dreams u-u |
2/8/2025 |
I had a dream last night where I was playing Mario Kart Wii using Mario and a weird car that looked like a cross between the Super Blooper and the Sprinter. The drift on that thing was WHACK to say the least. It was very outside-drift. I remember using it on Sherbert Land and it was a disaster lol. Oddly fun though.
The last track I tried was Rainbow Road, but I ended up falling off in a weird spot which caused a respawn glitch that kept dropping me into space. After that the dream shifted. I was now in my backyard and there was this big pumpkin that had numbs on the bottom that looked like little legs and and oddly detailed face on one side. There was a croud around it. This one big guy had a knife and strated to cut the face off of it. I asked him if it was his pumpkin, and he said "no." Well, It was my pumpkin, so I ended up attacking him because I was very angry over what he did to it. Turns out the whole reason I had that weird pumpkin to begin with was to keep a specific person from going into my backyard because they were afraid of it??? |
2/9/2025 | Had a dream last night where several people desacrated my room in the Melonland Everyone site :( |
2/10/2025 |
In one of my dreams last night, I was trying to do something in a basement. Not sure exactly what, but there was at least one other person with me. At one point I tried catching a vivid green grasshopper with a small clear plastic box, but it kept phasing through it. I also wasn't wearing glasses in that moment so my vision was very blurry.
Later on after some more shenanigans, one of the people in the basement handed me this sphere where one side was colored differently than the other. I ended up splitting it in half and peeling off a colored film from both sides, leaving two clear half spheres. I put them over my eyes, and despite my eyes being closed, I could still see. The dream then shifted locations. I was in some really weird place. It was a huge building with no windows or doors leading outside. Some of the people I was with were telling me about some of the places there, one of which was some kind of blood cafe where they took some of your blood and made your food with it. I asked what would happen if you ate someone else's food, but never got an answer. I'm like 90% sure this place was supposed to be some weird "heaven" since I'm pretty sure everyone was immortal there. Anyway, at some point I was asked if I still had this one object with me. I said yes, and the person who asked kinda dreaked out a bit, telling me I was supposed to have gotten rid of it to take "the oath" and I shouldn't have it anymore. I was like, "Oh, I didn't know that" and still didn't get rid of it. I was then put through a series of weird tests where I was just supposed to answer questions about these colorful marking on a wall that resembled graffiti (which changed every now and then). During one of those tests, I managed to walk to a place I wasn't supposed to and found that the ceiling...had to collision. It was just a flat texture. The person who wa supset with me earlier got kinda mad, but the other guy with us seemed pretty chill about it. I soon found a few other forbidden areas that lead to me kinda clipping through the walls of the building. There was a black void out there. I had one more dream I vaguely remember, but it was just about a store getting rearranged and having a larger assortment of food products :P |
2/11/2025 |
In my dream last night there were these people going around leaving some kind of puzzle for people to solve and participate in. It was more-so a set of activities you were to do, but it had an aura of mystery to it and it wasn't always straight-forward. Well, my house had been chosen for this. The first set of activities I don't remember, but in return for completing them, they left me a box with several drawers, one of which contained little jars that contained things like glitter and even gold leaf.
The next night in the dream me dad was telling me about the group, saying that a lot of people had the same thing happen and that someone had compiled all the puzzles and activities and made a guide for them online. That night's puzzle was going to be signified by a white fedora placed where the guide as going to be. One of the activities was to record yourself for 6 hours straight. The only rule was you weren't able to use the bathroom within that time. That night there was a white fedora sitting on my backyard fence. I, however, was a bit too early, and the people who were setting up everything where still there. They said it was okay for me to come outside, but I told them I had to wait for them to leave because our dog was aggressive. When I finally did go out, there were still two people left, but our dog ignored them. I went over to check out the hat and instructions, leaving the hat behind (since I didn't need it). I did find a stone carving of a crow not far from the hat though (it was also sitting on the fence). I took the instructions inside and when it was morning I ended up doing what I needed to do (at one point I remember being covered in isopods???) I woke up from the dream when I was about to start recording the six hours needed. Also at some point in the dream I had to fix a piece of wire mesh that had been cut open because there was a bit gap int he fence (which for some reason asn't wooden for a moment). The dog (her name's Winks btw) got out and ran off. When I started calling for her, I looked past the fence and saw her looking all sad and kinda scared like she was lost. She came back through the hole and I ended up taking a small bit of wire mesh and twisiting it around in a way to lock it in place. There was also a dream I vaguely remember where me and a friend where walking through the crouded halls of a school. I don't remember anything else aside from that. |
2/12/2025 |
In one of my dreams last night there was a part where I saw a girl trying to steal something from another girl. It was some kind of fabric that had a specific purpose (not sure what). I ended up taking it and then I had to time travel to give it back to the girl who it belonged to? Who was supposed to be one of my friends in the pats before we had met???
Anyway, her room was in the basement of her house, so I went down there and handed her the fabric. She thanked me and invited me to play some games on her XBox. I was a bit hesitant, but said alright. While she was navigating some of the menus, I asked her about some of these odd drawings she had hug up on her wall. She told me they were "sister bells" which would show how many sisters a family had. One meant they only had one girl, two meant two, etc. etc. The bells were round and a single one was held from a necklace while multiple were held from a sort of upside-down candelabra sort of thing. Eventually she booted up the game she wanted to play. It was a car game where you were controlling a car trying to drive across very narrow paths in a mountain. You were scored by how far you got before falling off. She didn't get very far before handing me the controller for my turn. I ended up getting about just as far as her before the car fell. The car then turned into Mario and the game shifted to a bunch of platforms in a black void. The goal was still to get as far as you could, but there was a clear ending area in sight that you could reach by going down layer by layer. I managed to get down pretty far, but I missed the very last jump. I got a pretty high score and was able to put in a name. After I did, she noticed that...I already had a score in that game. I didn't remember ever playing it, so, neiher of us knew how it happened. She asked if I wanted to play more, but I told her I had to go. As I started to walk out the door, her following me, I told her that I was actually a time traveler and she was going to meet that time's version of me soon. After that, I started looking for a good place where no one could see me so I could travel back to my time. I ended up finding a Minecraft wooden door with a liquid that was running towards it. I opened the door and on the other side was a lava pit. Somehow seeing this made me think that the girl had tried to set me up to die and failed. Idk man. Dream logic. |
2/13/2025 |
In one of my dreams last night, my dad was a bit disappointed that he was unable to sign-up for a streaming service (which did both shows and music). When talking to him about it I found out that the way to get it was a one-time payment of $1,000,000 USD. I asked him why he wanted to sign up for that and his answer was basically "just because."
In that same dream, I had found out online that there was an unused sound file from a FNaF game (no name was mentioned) that was a music box cover of Doomsday Ride (the Carousel minigame theme). Apparently this sound was supposed to be some kind of ambient sound emitted by Moon. Man, do I wish that was real. Also I did have one or two other FNaF Moon related dreams, but I can barely remember them :( In one other dream I kinda remember, though, I was in a classroom. I was sitting at my desk messing with a metal pen I had. The part you have to take off to replace the ink cartriges was made of two pieces. One was a little ball with a hole in it, and the other was the usual cone shape. After I took both parts off I noticed there were some little brass chains inside. I tried to reassemble it, but it was a bit hard since the chains had to be in the right spots.
2/14/2025 |
In one of my dreams last night, I was Mabel Pines from Gravity Falls. Me and Dipper as well as a few other kids were waiting for a school bus to arrive, but I noticed that Gruncle Stan as well as Ford were there. The two were fighting, and I was like, "I have to see this" and ran off to follow them (no school for me that day lol). Not much else happened after that.
In another dream I had, I was in The Amazing Digital Circus. In that dream it turns out the Queen from Deltarune was actually the mastermind behind everything going on. She was the computer the circus ran on, but apparently Caine was the CPU? He wasn't on board with her plan, though.
And lastly there was a quick dream I had which was honestly pretty boring. This one guy was trying to teach me out to solve this hard math problem that I never understood how to do. The issue was, however; He spoke Japanese and very little English. I speak no Japanese, so I couldn't understand him very well, and he had trouble understanding me. I don't normally have this man fandom-related dreams. Idk what's been happening lately. |
2/15/2025 | I don't remember any of them :( |
2/16/2025 |
In one of my dreams last night, I had gotten back into my school's band. It had been years since I've last played the flute, so I was super rusty at playing it, as well as reading sheet music. There was only me and another flute player in the band, both of us not really being able to play.
At the end of practice for that day, I decided that, despite me just joining again that day, that I was going to quit again. In one of my other dreams last night, I was riding a school bus. The driver needed to make an immediate emergency stop for some reason, which resulted in him crashing the bus into a nearby building. The building was some kind of barn. The bus ended up rolling due to the sudden directional change, but somehow everyone inside was fine. I had been gripping onto everything I could (AKA a seat) and was unaffected by the roll.
In one of my dreams last me, me and some other person where on the run. We were in a car, and apparently we had killed someone??? I don't really remember much about this dream. |
2/17/2025 |
In one of my dreams last night, I was some guy. I somehow ended up getting a girlfriend, who turned out to be a vampire? I was pretty surprised, but in an "Oooo" kind of way. She was very open about being a vampire after that and even ended up singing a bit about it.
At some point I told her I hope she didn't mind that I was actually a girl, which I remembered (and shifted back into my irl self in the dream). She didn't seem to mind, more focused on trying to get me to sing with her. (Honestly, thinking back on the dream, I wasn't really interested in her romantically at all. Also her personality was more "Disney princess" than typical vampire.) In another dream I had last night, I was in some large room with chairs. Reminded me of the auditorium my high school had, but there was no stage and the floor was flat instead of angled. There were some people giving some kind of presentation which involved them demonstrating something with a smoke alarm. I had to cover my ears because it was loud.
I got a headache =w=; |
2/18/2025 |
In one of my dreams last night, Jerma was on a stream with Astralspiff. He (Jerma) turned into a cat that could run REALLY fast. Spiff was very impressed.
In another one of my dreams that I just remembered, my camera wasn't saving pictures that I was taking. Turns out that this was a very complicated camera and for some reason all the pictures it took were being saved to a cloud (it had wifi for some reason???). It looked like a normal, cheap little pocket camera though. |
2/19/2025 |
Last night's dream consisted of a group of about 7 Spamton plushies taking turns putting eachother in the drier in my basement. They also did it to a human man who ended up being turned into a doughnut.
I will not elaborate because I don't think I can.
2/20/2025 |
In one of my dreams last night I ended up making pancakes and biscuits out of the same batter. Apparently, I didn't add ANY butter to it, but somehow it still kinda worked out? They tasted pretty good and were airy. One of the people who tried it (I believe my dad?) said that it was really good despite the lack of butter, but some other guy (idk who he was) said it tasted terrible.
In a different dream my parents, my brother, and I were all downtown for some reason. We ended up going to a HUGE Chuck-E-Cheese where we split up. My dad left me at the counter to buy tokens while he and the other members of my family just went to do their own thing.
2/21/2025 | Alas, I forgot my dreams once more u-u |
2/22/2025 | In one of my dreams last night, my dad was driving me and my brother home. For some reason he got really close to the garage door (He usually parks a bit further back), and then just started backing up really fast. I opened my door and got out before he sped down ths street again. I then ran inside and locked the door. My brother then broke in, so I ran up to my room and locked that door. He managed to break in that door, too. Now he had a "gun" (which was actually a bunch of large colored pencils, but they were able to shoot bullets). I ende dup fighting him while calling 9-1-1. Miraculously, I didn't get any injuries, but my brother got several. I managed to pin him down and the cops eventually showed up. After they took him away, one replaced a missing stone on a ring I own??? The dream ended not long after. |
2/23/2025 |
In one of my dreams last night, I was at home. Apparently my dad knew that there was going to be some kind of rainbow showing up that day. The sun was setting, and when I looked outside (to the backyard) I saw part of a rainbow. It was super vivid and almost seemed to go straight up. That was to the left. To the right was the same thing, but mirrored. I got my boots on and took my mom's camera before heading outside to the front yard. There was another part of the rainbow out there. The three parts all met up together and formed a triangular "hole" above the yard of a nice looking house (it was white with a deep green trim). The sky was cloudy and grey, and the light of the sun, though it was setting, didn't have any orange to it.
I started to take picture of the rainbow. I also tried to get a few of this one house that was abandoned. That house was made of dirty bricks, but there were two doors open that let me see the inside. It was brightly lit, one room with white walls and a white tile floor. There was a fireplace in there with white tiles on it, but those tiles had colorful floral patterns painted on them. I forget what the other room looked like, but I remember there beign a bike in it. Someone shut one of the doors, so I couldn't take any more pictures. A crowd began to form in the yard under the rainbow. I looked at my house, my dad and brother inside stnading by the windows. I motioned to ask if I could go to the yard, but my dad shook his head, so I decided to just stay put. Eventually the crowd dispursed and it became night time. Turns out the yard they were in was actually the yard of a mansion (thought it was much longer than it looked). Next to it was another mansion, this one's exterior entirely white with a large discoball hanging above the front door. Very weird and tacky. I had another dream that I only vaguely remember some parts of. For some reason I was going around and buying cakes from various different bakers. One of the ones I visited had a weird assortment of shapes she made cakes in. The one I settled on was a cheesecake shaped like a couch (which was around $36). When I talked to her about it, she said it would take until Tuesday to complete. I forget exactly how the conversation went after that, but I think I ended up making her sad by accident? During the whole interaction I felt like I had to say very specific things or else something bad would happen. |
2/24/2025 | Don't remember :( |
2/25/2025 |
I only partially remember two of my dreams.
In one I was trying to make a small fire in my parents' firepit (in the middle of the day) because I had a note I wanted to burn. My mom came out to join me as I tried (and failed) to get a fire going. Most of the sticks I wanted to use were still a bit wet, having freshly fallen off the trees. Also, there was this white powder that combusted very easily that was in the firepit. Also, the match I struck to start the fire burned blue. In another dream I was trying to cook these thick, small slabs of chicken. They had a rounded triangular shape and were flat on both sides. Anyway, since I don't eat nor cook chicken I ended up kinda winging it. I seasoned it with salt and "pepper" (looked more like a crushed herb) as I was cooking it. |
2/26/2025 |
In one of my dreams last night, I was watching someone play this game that was kind of a walking sim mixed with a platformer (I think the name of it was "IM4"). After a bit, I ended up playing it myself. For a while I was just walking and jumping around this HUGE building that was pretty empty. There wasn't a specific plot, but there were characters scattered around that if you found them, you'd get information on their stories.
At one point I found a room that had a bunch of either stained glass art or paintings that showed all the characters that could be interacted with. Some of the art was blocked by colorful bricks (some of the bricked up parts were a single color, others a mix of multiple colors). There were also a few that were scribbled out with spraypaint. Most of the characters were ones just made up by my subconscious, but I do remember that Sun (from FNaF) was in one of the pictures. I think Dogday and Catnap (from Poppy Playtime) were in the pictures right next to him (Catnap's was scribbled out in red). I'd like to note I'm not really even into Poppy Playtime. Anyway, I went off to try and find Sun to figure out what story was in this game. I did find him, but after I went back to the room with all the artwork since the encounter didn't give me any info. When I got back there, he ended up popping out of his picture, but only his torso (which was connected to a metal rod). He talked to me for a moment before something started to pull him back into the picture he came from. He started yelling "No!" and "Help!" or something like that before he was fully pulled back inside. The art had turned into a dark red hallway after that. After that I decided to look around the room a bit more. I figured if there was a Sun picture, there had to have been a Moon one, too. I did find it after a bit. When I got close to it, I heard his laugh. The image was of Moon dressed in a long navy-blue double button coat wearing a breton hat of the same color that covered his eyes. 90% sure he also had on a fake beard. The whole look had a sort of nautical vibe to it. He was also holding a small doll or plush of his normal self that was wrapped in a blanket (I forget what color it was). I then set off down a path that was stealth-based. There were people patrolling around with flashlights, all of which looked exactly the same. The lights in the halls were all on, but the guards couldn't see anywhere that their flashlights weren't shining. I did get chased by a few of them at one point, which ended up resetting my progress, even though they didn't actually catch me, which was weird. The screen just kinda faded to black after a while and I was back at the start. I eventually made it through that segment and ended up in this room that was kind of like an auditorium with multiple levels of seating areas. It was mostly empty aside from a well-dtrssed young man, an elderly woman, and some people who I assumed were the man's employees. They were rearranging the room a bit. The man said it was to prepare for the arrival of the Daycare Attendant (that was the title he used to address them). Sadly, I woke up not long after I got there. In a different dream I was using the family computer for something that needed a disk. I ended up opening the disk drive to find three slots for disks. Two were a bit deeper than the other. I asked my dad about all of them and he told me that I could put multiple CDs with music in it and it would automatically switch between them. |
2/27/2025 |
In one of my dreams last night, I vaguely remember seeing some pictures online for what looked like an add-on to the game "Snufkin: Melody in Moominvalley." There were FIVE different Snufkins in this group in one of the images. The normal one, one that was more like how he looks in the comics (AKA bald), one that wore blue, and I forget what the other two looked like.
In a different dream I remember trying to get rid of these items that...I forget exactly what they did. They might have granted wishes or something, but they caused whoever used them to slowly go mad with power. I found these two tall beings who had a few that I ended up snatching and lighting on fire using a broken open lithium battery and some water. Since this all took place in my house, I went to my room and prepared to take my laptop out of the house whenever the fire alarm would go off. Luckily, it didn't, but the bathroom was left scorched pretty bad. |
2/28/2025 | Here we are, last day of the month, and I remember NOTHING from any dreams I may have had. Wasn't able to sleep well last night. |